I have mixed feelings about this because on one hand you want to believe the administration really cares. On the other, you have social movements that start because somewhere along the way someone messed up on protocol by not treating situations with the serious gravity they deserve (especially when you have a serial rapist in your community) or someone didn’t pass on a message in time to open a channel of dialogue to student movements, redundancies in the system (like soon to become obsolete Facebook Profiles that should be Pages, ask Opolis how it felt getting their profile account deleted without notice and having to scramble to create a “proper” Facebook page because Facebook is reconfiguring those – then look at NPS profile and the NPS fan page – the info presented on each is inconsistent starting in Oct and going back – yeah, probably not the best way to get the info out there huh? Same said for seeing letters to families about this protest shared everywhere else online but on their two Facebook pages – haven’t checked their Twitter, but I remain doubtful I’d find it there either) etc., may have caused messed up communications and probably did not do the best at presenting a unified message about their policies.
I’m not saying they’re horrible people, I’m saying they are clearly fumbling through this PR thing. And I do question the response as a whole. Some of the signs today really highlighted maybe some of the fucked up situations that occurred at that school with counselors offering advice that maybe doesn’t reflect what should really happen in these situations.
Like for starts: why was child pornography being passed around actively in some social circles unchecked? Isn’t that illegal? Where the hell are the adults? What are those students breaking the law doing still at school? I’m not asking for their names, I asking what actions have been taken to discipline them. I mean once you critically examine all these allegations (seriously if these students were adults with evidence of a rape of a minor on their phones, they would be in deep shit right now), you start to see a series of maybe not-so-well investigated or perhaps not-so seriously treated rape allegations.
3 girls have come forward, but honestly, Oklahoma, we shouldn’t bullshit ourselves. The statistics say this part of the country is extra “rape-y.” So much evidence. Google it for yourself if you don’t believe me. Hey, who also remembers the rape allegations turn criminal charges and lawsuits against the Oklahoma City cop and that Highway Patrolman out near Broken Arrow/Tulsa this year too?
And this is to say nothing of the college situation – but let’s stay on topic here. Norman High School. I would say a conservative head count would place the crowd, including journalists, at/or around 300-500 people, with waxing and waning numbers throughout the day.
Anyway, if you were driving through the area after 10:30ish, as the road had been blockaded at one point and traffic diverted, this might have been a scene you saw over there on Main Street in front Norman High School. Maybe you even watched friends tweet or Facebook the protest.
If you don’t have friends that know about this, here, let me spotlight some signs I saw today.

Yes. That is a very good question, also who told this guy that was the only way to handle it??? Has he not taken classes on strategies to support victims that ask DOES NOT essentially ask them to suffer humiliation in silence? Way to reinforce the status quo bro. – H

All photos are to be credited to Helen Grant, okc.net.

I saw someone throw their hat into the ring for the “hacktivist” group Anonymous – sooo – yeah. That might be a situation to watch. Read the post on the event page to see what they intend to do: https://www.facebook.com/events/1482897881990042/

Hey, y’all heard what happened there right? Because it sounds disturbingly similar.

At one point Main street had been blockaded at Berry almost all the way to Flood. I still hadn’t heard the reason that was done – I’m sure someone is going to cite safety. Anyway, undeterred, protestors reorganized at each end to make sure others in Norman, Oklahoma heard their message loud and clear.

If ya follow us on 365 Things OKC, you might have seen this already. Hey, protesting rape peacefully is a totally legit thing to do.