Helen Grant
It’s not so much a guilty admission to state that I like dirty lyrics that are not always subtle. There’s some of that on this week’s mix in addition to new stuff that I’m real excited about and at least one cover that sounds like it was a song that could have been written by lesbians for lesbians.
Some of the bands have shows coming through OKC. Others I’m just going to keep admiring from afar since I think I’m skipping Austin City Limits this year. Not that I want to, but right now conditions are not favorable for going back this year. I say that. My resolve might slip and I might accidentally send off a press application. And then I’d have no choice but to go cover it if OKC.NET got passes again. And if you have passes, then you have to do interviews with some of your biggest musical crushes. It’s a cycle.
Or not. There’s a lot to do in OKC lately and getting away here and there is none too easy these days. Thankfully great music is accessible in these parts more often than not.
Fat White Family: recently signed to Fat Possum. Their song Is it Raining in Your Mouth? off their album Champagne Holocaust caught my ear originally for it’s raunchy light of the dashboard confessional lyrics and impassioned sonic bits. And they seem like a big rocking mess if news of their live shows is to be believed, alas they’re English rockers and not touring through OKC any time soon. They’re working on new material for 2014, witness Touch the Leather, which is a track with a dark and menacing sound. Technically Champagne Holocaust came out in 2013, but might be new to some. Give that album a listen if you haven’t heard it yet. This assumes you like ballsy music.
The Memories: Much like the Fat White Family, The Memories have no shortage of dirty ditties alternating between songs that gush romantically about dinners for two or how their lead knows the sounds his girl makes during cunnilingus means he knows he’s doing it oh, so right. However, Touched by an Angel is heart felt business. It’s also the name of the album Burger Records/Lollipop Records put out on various formats.
Bear in Heaven: They have a new album in the works esoterically entitled Time is Over One Day Old. It drops Aug. 5th on Dead Oceans. To get an idea of what is in store for you, read details via this link right here.
Slowlights: I heard their track Our Time via Bella Union label owner Simon Raymonde’s Amazing Radio show, which goes live every Monday afternoon if you’re American, every Monday night if you’re European. Anyways, I had to go clicking to find out who they were as their sound is reminiscent of groups and songs I can’t quite put my finger on. To my surprise, I discovered they’re based in Baltimore. I’m betting there’s a Beach House connection in here somewhere. Or not. Perhaps an interview is required to know for sure. [Edit 6/30/14: Slowlights are so not from Baltimore. Alas, in my haste to get a weekly list up, I somehow mixed up the two when I was quickly scanning the webs for more info. This band is from England. London to be exact.]
Warpaint: So there is this Manimal Vinyl SoundCloud account I follow. That label is not only responsible for finding and promoting new artists/albums, but for also roping in various established artists to make tribute albums for charity. Quite frankly, the fact they got Warpaint to cover one of my most favorite Duran Duran songs fulfills a need I didn’t even know I had. It’s a spectacular cover that sounds like it was made by women for women. Especially when you take into account the song’s original not-safe-for-work video was heavy on the girl on girl joy ride imagery. Since the original is authored by men, that’s a side effect to be expected. And now I sure do want to know more about this “Making Patterns Rhyme” tribute that benefits Amnesty International.
Alt J: I heard this track a week ago and I cannot stop listening to it. What’s worse is this comes with the realization that they sampled Miley Cyrus, someone who’s public persona and music otherwise do nothing for me. Sneaky bastards. Their single Hunger of the Pine also contains a weird monk chant thing going on in maybe Latin (?) – so much for dead languages – and some sultry horns that play throughout. It’s a thing. You should listen to it. It will defy your preconceptions.
Gulp: My retro psych rock, dream pop, synthed up offering for the week comes with a track that has weird space proggy shiz in the bridge. They’re on Everloving Records.
To Rococo Rot: This comes by way of following City Slang (Berlin based label) on SoundCloud. I’m not familiar with this German trio who’ve been making music since 1995. But here’s what I do know: that song is a serious distraction. Whatever keeps me humming the chorus is the just the catchiest down tempo thing I’ve heard lately. Their new album instrument comes out on July 21st.
White Reaper: In line with how this mix started, here’s another raucous group, only this time from the DIY Louisville, Kentucky scene. Plus they’ll be coming through OKC on July 4th with Young Widows. So let’s say you don’t have commitments to family who want to see fireworks that night and you just happen to love some rockin’ good music: this show. Go to it. Their EP came out on Polyvinyl on June 24th.
Hi Helen!
I’d like to thank you for your kind words about Slowlights! (I’m the singer). But we’re actually based in London, England! We’re really glad that you liked the song, we’d be more than happy to do an interview