Penguin Noir: You Oughta Know

Dear OKC.NET Audience,

You may be wondering what our process is when it comes to writing these “comic strips.” Or not. But for the sake of this open letter, let’s pretend you are curious. Honestly, Daniel sends me his scripts in an e-mail and then we decide which of the 3-5 scripts will be chosen by the time we get into the office. In the brief time we have set aside to get one written, edited, and mocked up for publication, we usually debate high brow vs. low brow and mess around with the phrasing. Colin Newman, Executive Editor, also helps in that he usually tells us if a line needs to be reworked. Often, if we can’t decide on a script we ask for his input. Alas, today we’ve got other assignments that are pressing and we’ve had to make do with a tighter schedule. So we’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it again: sometimes they’re funny and sometimes they’re weird, but they always involve penguins. To that end, this one made me laugh this morning, so here it is.

-Helen Grant, Managing Editor (and apparently part-time comic strip “artist.”)


Script by Daniel Page/Art by Helen Grant

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