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December 28, 2013 @ 10:00 am
Martin Regional Library
2601 S. Garnett Rd.
Tulsa, OK, 74129
United States
2601 S. Garnett Rd.
Tulsa, OK, 74129
United States

From the Desk of the TULSA AGLOW President, Chaplain-Lilly Gonzalez D’Ross, : Come and celebrate with us a time of spiritual refreshing with Tulsa best conservative AGLOW Hispanic men & women. All officers will be our guest speakers this month (REv Elaine Rendon (VP FInance), Melissa Borrayo(VP Ministry), Youth Pastor, BlancaMariana Garcia (VP Administration) and myself-) sharing from God’s heart for Tulsa. Let’s close out the year and bring in the new officers for 2014 Aglow International Tulsa Hispanic Lighthouse Chapter!! We will be starting a Muskogee Chapter soon… Afterward the meeting, we will be having a time of international food pot luck. So bring your best dish!!