8911 n. western ave
Oklahoma City, OK, 73114
United States

“Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt” CD release party you CANT MISS THIS SHOW!
Josh Sallee,
Chris Mccain,
Cash Lansky, Marley B,
and DJ Wayneinthisthang.
lots of special edition merch.
“Everything Was Beautiful And Nothing Hurt” is set to release from MURS 316 record label online December 17th 2013. Hard copy cd release will be on january 26th. please purchase online on major online outlets. We have set a personal goal of 250+ online sales in the 1st week. For a independent artist this task is very daunting. we need all our friends, family, friends of friends to make this dream come true. The support for JABEE has been tremendous thus far. Oklahoma is the landscape for this LP. All the features, production, recordings, videos were are all done in Oklahoma. As well as the set backs, love, pain, joy, heartbreaks, and spiritual growth. all Oklahoma bread. We hope you enjoy the LP as much as i do. it took a approximately 1 month and half to record, produce, and market the music your about purchase. it was not easy. Kadence did a great job producing and recording the LP at late hours of the night. juggling jobs, children, deaths, other music features/ventures, and life. This is our 1st Label venture that really set some boundaries. The few major boundaries that we were not use to were no samples, legal approval for guest features, and deadlines. it was great learning experince. Thank you to MURS understanding my concerns and allowing us to create what we wanted within the limits given. truly awesome, and very proud of this record.
PLEASE BUY THE ALBUM ON THE LINKS POSTED. Hard copies arent in until january.
We know everyone wants hard copies they aren’t in yet, and buying a hard copy from Jabee won’t help him chart , right now we are trying to make a dent in the hip hop industry and we need sales to do so. iTunes , Amazon, however.
Here is the cold hard FACT: Jabee is to the point where the right people NEED to SEE he can sell records for label notice, and make money for labels. buying hand to hand to cd’s is awesome, but the hard fact is WE NEED YOU TO BUY ONLINE THROUGH THE OUTLETS PROVIDED NOW! there is strategy behind doing online sales 1st before hard copies. There are specific reasons for everything we are doing. We know you trust us to. We need to trust that everyone liking, RTing, commenting, sharing on all aspects of social media are going to buy the LP. Jabee’s heart is to tell his story of OKLAHOMA. plain and simple Jabee can scrape by living on hand to hands cd’s but to really make an IMPACT it will take us all. please share this everywhere. especially in OKLAHOMA where it makes the biggest impact right now. much love to Marcus Kadence Jackson Jabee Williams for making great music!
Amazon :
Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Jabee_Everything_Was_Beautiful_and_Nothing_Hurt?id=Bt5t2cw3sscjnz2222r5o7uzmsm&hl=en
Spotify : http://t.co/sRIxUWnglE
itunes : http://bit.ly/ewbanh