This week, the U.S. prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba will enter its 12th year of operation. The prison currently holds about 155 detainees. In January, 2009, President Obama signed an executive order to close the camp. When will this happen?!
On January 9th, 2014, North Texas activists will join an international action to CLOSE GUANTANAMO! We will say no to torture! No indefinite detention! Repeal the NDAA!
WHAT: Rally & light demonstration to mark the 12th anniversary of Guantánamo, and to demand its closure
WHEN/WHERE: Thursday, January 9, 2014
(***NOTE: The press conference & demo officially start at 4pm in front of the Bush Library, but there’s no (free) place right there to park & meet to don orange jumpsuits, etc. So, since we’ll be returning to Mockingbird Station to eat afterwards, anyway, the plan is to meet at 3:30 in the east parking lot of Mockingbird Station (just east of the intersection of Twin Sixties Dr and Worcola St). We’ll gather there, around the red “supply van,” and everyone can don jumpsuits and/or grab whatever signs/banners they’d like. PLEASE WEAR BLACK! Drums Not Guns will accompany us on the short procession to the Bush Center. Anyone who doesn’t have the time or the inclination to walk with us can meet us outside the Bush Center at 4.)
3:30 – park & gather at east lot of Mockingbird Dart Station for staging and short walk to Bush Center
4:00pm – press conference & demonstration in front of GW Bush Library, SW corner of SMU Blvd & Central Expy
5:30 – 7:15 – break bread together at Café Express, corner of Central Expy & E. Mockingbird Lane (5307 E. Mockingbird La, Dallas)
7:30 – rally & spell out “CLOSE GUANTANAMO” with North Texas Light Brigade at SE corner of Lovers Lane & Greenville Ave (5750 E. Lovers Ln, Dallas, TX)
We have LOTS of large banners, signs, orange jumpsuits & black hoods – and NTLB will bring the lights – so all you need to bring is yourself! We hope you can join us for any or all parts of the event.
Co-sponsors/endorsers include: Bill of Rights Defense Committee Dallas, CodePink Greater Dallas, Dallas MoveOn, Dallas Peace Center, Iraq Veterans Against the War, North Texas Light Brigade, North Texas Veterans for Peace, Pax Christi Dallas.
contact: jharris866@aol.com