This is the first of what will hopefully become a quarterly debate series for topics of interest to the atheist community.
The resolution for the first debate will be “Don’t eat animals.”
Speaking for the resolution will be Paul Dawson, former vice president of the Oklahoma Atheists, and Travis K. Voth.
Speaking against the resolution will be Seth Moody and Lorn VanSteenbergh.
Clayton Flesher, former Education Chair for the Oklahoma Atheists, will moderate.
This will be an Oxford-style debate, meaning those who attend will get to anonymously vote twice on the resolution; once before the debate and then again at the conclusion.
There will be an opportunity for audience members to pose questions to the debaters before the final vote.
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. with the debate starting promptly at 7:00. Please don’t be late, or you’ll miss the chance to vote in the preliminary ballot.